baby kate is sick and it's sad. on tuesday night before bed she cried for like 20 minutes acting like she was hurt and the same thing happened at 1:ooam that morning. i called the nurse at her doctors office and she wanted kate to come get her ears checked for a possible ear infection. so on wednesday we went to the doctor. twice actually. he ruled out ear infection and constipation but said that she is probably coming down with something from being on a plane and that she may be teething too. he said to give her tylenol for the next couple of days and she should be fine. that afternoon i noticed a rash on her legs and some random small bumps on her. they were pretty subtle but i wanted to know if she was allergic to tylenol ...or if it was some horrible disease that was going to kill us all. clearly that was next in line. so, back to the dr we went. turns out he doesn't care about the rash on her legs or bumps on her body. he said it was probably a side effect from whatever she is fighting and that it may spread over her whole body before she gets better. uh, what? she also had a little diaper rash in between her fat rolls when we went the second time and he told me to put cortisone cream on it and sent us home.
so i have been obeying and giving her tylenol every couple of hours. me and google though...we were bffs yesterday. and lets not pretend... we probably will be today, too. no fever or cold symptoms, yet she is "sick", not acting herself, cuddly, not wanting to eat, sometimes in pain, a rash on her legs (...that maybe has mostly cleared up), irritated skin between fat rolls and super fussy? sounds fishy to me.
so far google and i have diagnosed her with mrsa, numerous bacterial infections, meningitis, eczema and other various diseases that i cannot remember or pronounce.
i suppose its safe to say that i'm a first time mom and apparently i like to do first time mom things. regardless, i hope she is back to her happy self soon.
Mengenali Faktor Judi Bola Terpercaya
6 years ago
-might sound weird, and I am sure you have already asked yourself this- but I am queen of rashes so here are my questions- Are you nursing? If so, have you eating anything "weird" lately (peanut butter, etc) At about 3 months is when Bennett started having allergic reactions to stuff. Laundry detergent (what do you use)..I think I could go on and on. Feel free to email me and we can chat some more!!
Love the pics below. And it's your right as a first time mom to go to the doctor 14 times a day. I never did, but I grew up with my mom and we both know how she is about doctors and stuff like that. HA.
Poor baby! There is nothing worse than a sick baby! I hate that you just feel so helpless. I can't believe she is 3 months already! She is so cute! I love all the cute pictures in the 3 month post! And I am right there with you about the first time mom stuff! I freak out and worry about everything, not that I need to tell you that, I tell you about my freak outs all the time!
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