Monday, January 2, 2012

7 months

Baby girl is 7 months! At 7 months she....

Has no more docband! Yay! Is a great sleeper. Doesn't mind tummy time and will roll from one side of the room to the other to get to something/someone. Likes to play a game where she rolls over once, stops and looks in our direction with a huge grin, we cheer and she does it again and again, Pretty funny. Babbles, shrieks and smiles all day long. Lately all it takes is us giving her a big grin and she giggles back at us. Super cute. nicknames- kateamus, binkybear, baby bear, Katebug, bug. Wears 6-9 month clothes. loves being outside and food in general. Except mashed green beans and spinach. Which I suppose makes sense due to my previous theory that all food preferences were learned behaviors. Blast me and my pre-parenting assumptions! We love our happy little bear and currently couldn't love parenthood more. Can't wait to see what this next month brings us!


acos said...

i just LOVE that little munchkin!!!