lots of firsts this week...
....first smile: To wake Kate up from her naps I always say her name gently. On Monday when I said her name she opened her eyes and smiled at me. She was only a little over 3 weeks at the time so it was more than likely a coincidental gas smile but I'll take it! It was the sweetest thing and made me look forward to when she starts smiling for real in a few weeks.
....first poop related accident: This week I realized there is a very, very good reason people put blankets under babies when they change their diaper. Hopefully this will be the last time I make this mistake.Yep that really happened. And yep I took a picture and posted it for for memories sake. You're welcome.
...first time to be publicly embarrassed as a mom: A few days ago we ventured to hobby lobby to get some frames. It was during Kates nap time so I figured she would sleep the whole time. Wrrrooonnggg-o. Right when we were next in line to check out she poops her diaper (this girl does NOT tolerate dirty diapers). She starts fussing so I try to sooth her while she is IN her car seat. So not working. She starts crying. People stare. Especially old the old ladies (still hate those dang old people) She starts crying hard. Then harder. I take her out and try to sooth her. Not working. She is not wearing socks because I hadn't planned on taking her out of her car seat. The old ladies and others get judge-y looks on their faces because I have such a new baby in a public place and she isn't wearing socks. Do they offer to help? no. Do I want their help? Not at all. But the gesture would have been appreciated. The slowest teller EVER to be employed by Hobby Lobby finally starts to ring me up. Kate is screaming by now. I tell the slow teller I have to change her diaper and will be right back. I leave my cart at the front and carry a sock less and screaming Kate to the bathroom to change her diaper. After the diaper change she is happy as a clam. When I get back up there are like 10 people behind me in line and they were about to throw me out of line. She finishes ringing me up (very slowly I might add). I pay and leave. Then call BJ and tell him I am never going anywhere. Ever, ever again.
....first time to actually accomplish all of the errands I set out to do: This one is HUGE. I am slowly realizing that the productivity of my days are at the mercy of a unpredictable new born. Today I had 4 errands to run and really, really wanted to get them all accomplished in one trip because they were all next to each other. I checked her diaper before each stop and was able to avoid any public cry-fests. Thus, my multiple errand mission was accomplished. Victory.
....first time to stay up till midnight since Kate was born. I have a feeling that in a few hours I am going to think staying up to address envelopes and write this blog post was a very bad idea. Oh well, live and learn I guess.
Mengenali Faktor Judi Bola Terpercaya
6 years ago
aw bless your heart! i love hearing about your adventures, katherine. i cant wait to see you as mommy-in-action
I have to say I love this post and love reading your blog, especially now that your a mom. Two reasons 1- because all I can think is "Yup, been there" (and repeating WITH a toddler involved) and 2- because it is just so cute to read. But really with Sienna we put what we call a pooh blanket under her when we know she is poopin or will need to soon(it is a blanket with Winnie the Pooh on it...get it POOH blanket haha) anywho, wait till she is almost 2 and you are preggo again and attempting to grocery shop, that will be sure to include judgement and glares when she acts up ; ) But really all crazy moments, embarrassing included, will one day be funny and missed at they grow. You are doing great, just remember that, and that you are not alone in it at all!
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