Wednesday, March 4, 2009


seriously??? who makes only their side of the bed in the morning????

the man who may or may not have done this may not get beat up by his wife tonight.


Heather said...

hahahahahha. Katherine. You might get a prize for making me laugh out loud two times tonight.

Julie said...

That's so funny! I must say, Scott sometimes does the same thing. I should capture photographic documentation next time too :-). Miss you guys!

Virgilicious said...

hahahahah omg BJ is soo funny. he would do something like that. haha

The Fabela Family said...

Haha Your lucky your husband even temps to make the bed. I dont think Andy has ever made (or half made) our bed the 5 years I have been married. LOL

Kelly said...

Oh my word! That's a funny man you're living with. I think he might know the secret to a happy marriage... I mean why complain.. just leave ever (not) so subtle hints! hahahahaha!!